Describe the physical tools used for mice and pest control. 请描述所有捕鼠、虫害的物理性工具。
In order to reduce the use of pesticides in tobacco, improve the quality of tobacco, the use of physical methods of pest control is an effective solution, in which the use of silver gray aphid repellent film is widely used in Daejeon. 为减少农药在烟草上的使用量,提高烟草品质,利用物理方法对害虫进行防治是一种有效的解决方法,其中利用银灰膜驱避蚜虫在大田得到广泛应用。
Use of biological control and integrated control techniques can be effective prevention and control of pests and diseases, and reduce chemical residues in the environment, combined with the physical, chemical control technology will achieve the scientific pest prevention and control of farmland shelterbelt. 利用生物防治和综合防治技术可有效防控病虫害发生,并且降低化学药剂在环境中的残留,结合物理、化学防治技术将会实现农田防护林病虫害的科学防控。